Love that Leads to Marriage

In Religion, we are working on “listening to and responding to a story about a relationship between a man and a woman that leads to marriage.” I encouraged the students to ask their parents about examples of relationships that lead to marriage.  If possible, please take the time to describe your, or another couple’s story that ended in marriage.

Here is an example:

First, Sara and Dominic met at in a park while they were walking their dogs. Next, Sara and Dominic spent time together, going to the movies and having dinner together. Then, they discovered they had a lot in common and were falling in love. Finally, they decided to get married.

Love with heartsPhoto credit: Marco Verch via Compfight

Grade 8 Garage Sale, Thurs May 24

A reminder that our Grade 8s will be holding a garage sale, in the gym, on Thursday May 24th, during our school day. Our class will have a quick “preview” tomorrow to see the items for sale, and we will have an opportunity on Thursday to purchase items.

All proceeds go towards the Grade 8 end of year trip (to Youth Leadership Camp of Canada).

Please consider supporting this cause by sending in a few dollars with your child on Thursday.

Happy Mother’s Day

Mothers are a Gift

by Faye Diane Kilday

Mothers are a special gift
sent from God above,
They bless us with their nurturing,
And fill us with their love.

They pick us up when we are down,
And when we’re sad they know,
They’re always there to lend a hand,
And guide us as we go.

And mothers are like special jewels
that can’t be bought or sold…
A mother’s love’s more precious
than the rarest gem or gold.

Yes, mothers are a special gift
sent from God above,
And we’ll be blessed forever with
their never ending love!

BouquetCreative Commons License

photocredit: Sheila Sund via Compfight

May Updates

Language: finishing up our poetry unit, starting work on opinion writing

Math: finishing up time (hour and half hour), and money (name coins, add coins to 30 cents), starting work on probability

Religion and family life: exploring stories of love that lead to marriage

Social Studies: exploring our changing roles and responsibilities