IKnowIt Math

We started using IknowIt.com, a new, interactive math practice site. Students will be able to use this website to review math skills that we’ve learned about in class. Your child may access the site from any tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.

In your child’s communication bag tonight, you will find the login information for the site. We will be using this website during computer lab throughout January.

PS Tomorrow (last day before Christmas Holidays) is Red and Green Day.

Holiday Homework

On Thursday and Friday, we will not be sending home any new “read every day” levelled books with students for the holidays. Please check to make sure you have returned all classroom books before the holidays.

During holidays, please find an opportunity to read every day, either your own books, or the levelled books on RAZ-kids.

Also, writing “Thank you” notes/cards to family/friends who gave us presents would be a great opportunity to practise writing during the holidays.  Perhaps you could write one card each day!


3D Shapes

We have been working on identifying and describing 3D shapes. To reinforce what we have been working at school, take a moment to find and identify 3D shapes in and around your house, and count how many faces/bases, how many vertices (pointy corners), and how many edges for each shape. We also have been talking about whether shapes can roll, slide or stack. Finally, students are able to say whether a 3D shape is a polyhedron (no curved edges or faces, such as a cube, rectangular prism, or pyramid) or not (such as a cone, cylinder, sphere).

stack of colorful wooden building blocks

photo credit: Craig Taylor via Compfight

Christmas updates

Last Library Day before Christmas – Tuesday December 19th (please make sure you return all books for the Christmas holidays)

Gingerbread house making – Wednesday December 20th

Math – 3D shapes – names and properties (faces, edges, vertices)

Literacy – sentence writing workshop continues (we have finished our vowels review – students should know the 2 sounds each vowel makes – here is a vowel song for review)


Christmas Concert Thursday

We are looking forward to performing at the Notre Dame Christmas Concert, on Thursday evening at Holy Family Church at 6pm. Please arrive 15 minutes early to drop off your child to the church hall (downstairs). Grade One students are asked to wear Christmas colours, as well as their advent wreath headband (Ms Cybulski Malik will bring the headbands to the church).

Letters to Santa

Over the last 2 weeks, our reading buddies helped us to write letters to Santa. On Friday, our letters were mailed to the North Pole. We hope Santa has enough time to write back to us (but if he doesn’t, we understand how busy he is this time of year).


(not present for ‘buddy writing’ day)

(not present for ‘buddy writing’ day)


(not present for ‘buddy writing’ day, wrote on her own)